Thursday, December 16, 2010

Chap 4 - the year to come...

It's about 15 more days before new year, 2011 will come into picture (in Hijri calender, it's already 10 Muharram 1432H today, 10 days after awal muharram). 2011 means my age turns into 25, the same year my beloved prophet, Muhammad s.a.w married with his wife, Siti Khadijah a.s...that's means, being a man where the age is 25, my mentality, personality and maturity SHOULD looks more like a leader of a family, ready to take up more responsibity,gain more knowledge and capable of making wise decision..or in the simple word, marriageable~(hehehehe...dedicated to someone special)

Even it's not officially turns into 25, but the time running incredibly so fast nowadays. If we not get ready earlier for everthing, we have to get back our time even harder. Yes, it is EASY to say, but it's also DIFFICULT to make. No matter what, TRY is always be the best solution, the best attitude and the best effort to do. So next year, try to plan, and IMPLEMENT accordingly. Get ready for everything, strive for it and TAWAKKALHU 'ALALLAH.

Many things to do next year..hoping for bless,oppurtunity and rezki from Allah s.w.t. Amin Ya Rabb (^^,)"


  1. things seem to be a bit more serious next year..may evrything go fine on its track. aminn,insyaAllah :)
