Sunday, February 27, 2011

Chap 5 - the hopes to write...

arghhhh, when will i get spirits to start writes again...actually it's not only because the spirit to write, but also because the time is not on my side, letting me to come out with my words. hmm, besides, writting in english is bit difficult compared to writting in malay.. but, since my girlfriend is a teacher someday, teaching english to her students, i cannot lose to her in improving my skill in that languange. (luckily she's not a doctor, engineer or lawyer that needs me to improve my knowledge on that subject, hihiii). jadi cikgu jela ye awkkk, xyah jd canggih2 sgt, jd canggih2 bior anak2 jelaa..

as the conclusion, things needed for me to start writes again are> time, ideas, vocab in english, updates from people and surroundings, motivation and good mood :) .,

please all, come to me so that i can starts again....

p/s : my idol in blogging is miss tomyamfan ...her style in blogging kind a cute and inspired people..keep it up ekkk~

1 comment:

  1. haha.. lookin 4ward to improv english too.. reading others blog may be the good option..the surrounding people wont really help.. malay always refuse to speak english among them, sigh
